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Strategic Planning

Our methodical process for strategic planning incorporates coaching into the planning. This allows us to utilize the wisdom within your organization while offering alternative thought processes to transform it.

Certified Career Coaching

Considering a career change? Impacted by a layoff? Tired of dreading Monday mornings? Career Coaching may the right solution for you! Just because you are good at something doesn't mean it energizes you. We coach you through some of the stickiest career barriers that hold you back from living your best life. 

Leadership Development

Enhance leadership skills in hiring, onboarding, performance management, conflict management, communication, employee engagement and more! Classes may be held in person or virtually.

Executive on Tap

If you are a small to medium sized technology company and have a gap in your leadership, consider us for our Executive on Tap Services. Whether you need interim leadership in operations, product, engineering, human resources, or organization development, we have the expertise to get you through the gap.

Team Coaching

Team Alignment

Elevate your team's performance with Team Coaching! After assessing the current state of the team, we may utilize our RESPECT Framework to move your team toward high performance. Align your people, processes, and systems with your vision.

Executive Retreats

Prepare your executive team to lead the organization with intention. Create alignment amongst the executive team. Develop strategies to align the rest of the organization to meet your objectives.

Consulting / Advising

Focus on optimizing your team's performance through process re-engineering, workflow improvement, product development, roadmap planning, and sales alignment. We ensure you get the most out of your team by implementing best practices for customer success and account management, helping you retain and grow your existing customer base.

Certified Executive Coaching

Elevate your performance as a leader. Create a compelling and sustainable culture of excellence. Gain influence within highly political or global functions. Tackle issues such as resilience, overwhelm, executive presence, time management, emotional intelligence, and employee engagement.


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